Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Need

What have you shown?

There’s a mound of doing

That needs a lot more mass

Before it’s you they’re pursuing.


What have you wrought?

If you can’t pull weight

Go back to the beginning

Or pull a Picasso and create.


What have you chosen?

Is your life an upheld model

Because of what you’ve avoided

Or for your acts of inherent boldness?


What will you be in legacy?

It started in mother’s pain

It’s the yoke upon your shoulders

Learn to push, it’ll be your gain.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Life, for all its whims,

Is really just friends, family,

And circumstances

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012


The ship slowly fades into view

Sputtering flames protrude outward

The typical death of an era

Only one man can be heard.


The tattered remains of his clothes

Are buffered in the flitting winds

He cries out in the name of God

Cursing, confessing his sins.


If God does in fact hear him

He hasn’t dared speak out

The dark ocean rolls onward

Enveloping any hope hanging about.


The man loses volume and will

Collapsing in the natural fashion

Of one sorely alone in his world

Splayed out, dreaming of passion.


He hears his wife whispering

From another far-off dream

As the ship sinks down below

Smoldering from every beam.


The harsh graying skies awaken him

His skin is a chapped, dry drum

The days and eons blend together

As the deep resounds its endless thrum.


Fiery visions are given forth

Echoing through memory and fate

The inevitable is fought off again

Fighting not to be pronounced late.


The thirst and stomached pains

Burst forth and convince him

He cries out now to his son

“I’m so sorry, my dear Jim!”


Taking the deepest of breaths

He throws his eyes up above

And casts himself out and aloft

Sinking into infinity, thinking of love.

Monday, September 17, 2012


The heart begins

To rot if it settles and

Loses its whimsy

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1814 ~ 1945 ~ 2001

Flapping, tattered flags

Wave as darkness has fallen

Remember and rise

Monday, September 10, 2012

Like the Wind

A dead-horse cliché…

God is more than air moving

In response to heat!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Have Exciting News to Tell You, Sir

Hello, sir I have

The most exciting news to share

So important I must, sir

Displace you from where you were!


Oh I tell you now

There’s something a-going on

Around past the back porch

Bring your fire stick and magic torch!


I will lead you, sir

Out through the door

Run you towards the source

Bark to subdue til I’m hoarse!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Lands and mortals are blown high

At the mercy of powerful weapons

Clashing armies and leaders

Bent on congressional power.


The standoff is fierce and bitter

Sides and lines clearly drawn

Rules and ethics pushed aside

Awaiting a jury’s impression.


Civilians left without homes

The war changes everyday

Sacrificing all collateral

Toeing the Wall Street columns.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I sing to the birds,

Fly with the deer,

Climb to the skies,

Free of all fear.


I laugh at the bees,

Poke fun at the bears,

Swim to the falls,

Free of all cares.


I call to the owls,

Dance with the mice,

Run to the stars,

Free of all vice.


I speak to the wolves,

Rest with fireflies,

Dream of the moon,

Free of all lies.

Monday, September 3, 2012


There’s a certain

American expectation

Kicking in at birth

A picture of total potential.


And after that

We’re all falling

In fits and starts

Making ourselves unequal.


So we cry out

For another way

To define the body

That we won’t ever escape.


Trying to break

The damning pattern

We take risks

Flirting with raw frontiers.


Catching a whiff

Of unburdened purpose

Our souls fly up
Burning through imposed atmosphere.


Found in the authentic.

Discovered in the wilderness.

Seen in the quiet moments.

Majestically rewarding those who take notice.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Portrait of a Young Mother in an Airport

She sits down,

Baby-blue plaid

Held against her

Royal blue stripes.

Blonde with a blond,

Catch-all bag produces

Goodnight Moon for him

But the passing lives distract.

Waves and smiles

Sent their way

Soften the edges

Of an impersonal community.

Shared blue eyes

Finally read together,

Followed by adjustments

Dancing in the chair.

Out comes food

Accompanied by grins

One wide and toothy

One perfect and relieved.

Their time comes

Everything gathered up

Arising with purpose

Off to another world.

Monday, April 9, 2012

'The Notebook' Haiku

I can’t remember…

You say you are my husband?

‘Til death do us part. 

Monday, March 19, 2012


Iiii ammm accquirdd birfday

The numberrr twenty-won!

Whhhaasss dat you say?

Drrink tis last and mmm done.

Oppp lookie here

Iiii founds dis for yuuu!

Straiiight shtuff, nice ‘n clear

Yuu, Stanley take one… Iii gets two.

Ohhhh the tricksy floooor

Donnn dance wit me today!

I sweared ayll falls noo mor

Iff yule guiiid me on me wayy.

Ahhh Stanley, yuu are such…

Such… I forgettt te wyrd!

Ambivvvalant fellow, much

I love yu tho itt beist absurd.

Helllo frend ecccsit

Frend street, I greet yu now!

Yuu are beautful ‘n well lit

Pleash forgif te dizzy bow.

 Annn  now we’re offff

Tooo te refuge, te homestead!

Ann I swearsh *cough, cough*

I won’t drinkk agen befffore I’m dead.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I look at the people strolling along

And think reflectively.

I spy a couple passing by,

What if I were he?

If I were he and he was me

Could I see that he could be me?

Would we pause, and

Acknowledge subliminally?

Would that beautiful girl

Be with me if I was he?

We might be completely free

Or married… or both, you see.

Were he and I switched at birth

And grew up unknowingly,

This random world surely

Would’ve guided us separately.

Yet what if that’s not the case

And fate works purposefully?

We could toss aside worry

And embrace what we will be.

I look behind as they pass

And wonder, as so does he

A soft smile upon his face

His eyes connecting… knowingly.

Coming Home

Crowded bus

One empty seat- you thank God

But window’s open

And it’s 22 degrees

A man gets on

Could’ve passed for an NFL lineman

Your quick prayer

Goes unanswered

He squeezes in

You are no longer cold

At the mercy

Of distinctive odors

Relief is near

The cord has been pulled

You unzip your bag

Bus pass is elusive

Now cringing

As your son’s science project

Clatters to the floor

Beeping erratically

You’re frustrated

Some lady screams “Bomb!”

The word stampede

Is underestimating

A couple bruises

Interrogation’s not great, either

Calling your wife

Adds stress

Spirit, pride broken

Police car couldn’t be lonelier

And now remembering

You drove to work today…