Monday, March 19, 2012


Iiii ammm accquirdd birfday

The numberrr twenty-won!

Whhhaasss dat you say?

Drrink tis last and mmm done.

Oppp lookie here

Iiii founds dis for yuuu!

Straiiight shtuff, nice ‘n clear

Yuu, Stanley take one… Iii gets two.

Ohhhh the tricksy floooor

Donnn dance wit me today!

I sweared ayll falls noo mor

Iff yule guiiid me on me wayy.

Ahhh Stanley, yuu are such…

Such… I forgettt te wyrd!

Ambivvvalant fellow, much

I love yu tho itt beist absurd.

Helllo frend ecccsit

Frend street, I greet yu now!

Yuu are beautful ‘n well lit

Pleash forgif te dizzy bow.

 Annn  now we’re offff

Tooo te refuge, te homestead!

Ann I swearsh *cough, cough*

I won’t drinkk agen befffore I’m dead.